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Dominica, often referred to as the "Nature Isle" of the Caribbean, stands out for its rugged landscapes and lush, unspoiled natural beauty. This island is a haven for eco-adventurers and nature enthusiasts, with its boiling lakes, numerous waterfalls, miles of hiking trails, and over 365 rivers. One of its most famous attractions is the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site that encompasses a rich biodiversity including tropical rainforests and volcanic features. Dominica's waters are equally inviting, offering superb diving and snorkelling experiences, particularly at Champagne Reef where underwater hot springs make the sea effervesce like champagne. The island's culture is a rich tapestry of Carib, African, French, and British influences, evident in its music, food, and annual festivals like the World Creole Music Festival.

Dominica’s commitment to eco-tourism makes it the perfect destination for those looking to experience nature in its most pristine form.

Unmissable experiences in Dominica
Must Do
Hike to Boiling Lake, one of the world's 2nd largest hot spring!
Don't Miss
Seeing for yourself how Fort Young ages their rum - under water!
Must Visit
Champagne Reef to snorkel among the natural hot springs
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