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Tobago, the smaller sister island of Trinidad, is a serene Caribbean destination known for its laid-back vibe and stunning natural landscapes. This island paradise boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the region, such as Pigeon Point with its iconic thatch-roofed jetty and the secluded Pirate's Bay, ideal for relaxation and snorkelling. Tobago is also renowned for its rich biodiversity, particularly in the Main Ridge Forest Reserve, the oldest protected rainforest in the Western Hemisphere. Here, visitors can explore hiking trails that weave through lush vegetation and are home to an impressive array of bird species, making it a bird-watcher's paradise. The island’s cultural heritage is a blend of African, Indian, and colonial influences, evident in its music, festivals, and cuisine.

For those seeking a tranquil escape with opportunities for nature adventures and cultural experiences, Tobago offers a charming and intimate Caribbean getaway.

Unmissable experiences in Tobago
Must Do
Snorkel the many reefs of the island for world-class marine life viewing
Don't Miss
Tobago's Carnival - voted one of the greatest shows on Earth!
Must Visit
Flagstaff Hill - where the Atlantic and Caribbean Seas merge
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